While some scientists predict a natural end to global warming in the near future others were recently caught off guard, surprised to learn they were unintentionally on a list of global warming deniers. Still, we’re dealing with a classic case of semantics and subterfuge. Sure, the Earth might stop warming on its own but does that mean humans aren’t changing the planet’s climate? Not at all. Sure, some scientists don’t believe in evolution either, but do we give them credit? Of course not.
So how do we react with both sides in tension? Well, if someone tells you a bomb is going to go off in a building, you evacuate it right? That seems to be the same approach that is needed here: if you’re not sure, assume the worst and act according. Even with the debate continuing to rage we can begin to take actions to stop climate change. Perhaps in America most of all, arguably the world’s worst polluter, there are ways to try and deal with climate issues and many of these start with simple green technologies.
So do you have to buy into climate change or as it is (somewhat misleadingly) sometimes called: global warming? Not necessarily, but why not err on the side of caution and at least consider it a risk on a short-term basis. Otherwise, go do more research into whether or not climate change is fact or fiction and then reserve judgment and make up your mind after knowing the stats, facts, history and political motivations behind both believers non-believers in what could be nothing or could be the most important thing in the world.